Greace Musa

Vice President Operations

About Greace Musa

Greace Musa is a dynamic professional whose journey across continents has shaped a broad and inclusive worldview. Born in Germany into a family with African and Balkin roots, Greace's upbringing in a diverse cultural environment has endowed her with a deep appreciation for global perspectives and the ability to speak seven languages. This rich background not only enhances her interpersonal skills but also infuses her professional endeavors with unique insights into relationship management and collaborative innovation.

With a strong educational foundation in Psychology and Mechanical Engineering from Kennesaw State University, Greace has developed a keen interest in the nexus between human behavior and technological advancement. Her proficiency in SolidWorks reflects a commitment to leveraging technology for sustainable solutions, underscoring her passion for addressing complex challenges through innovative approaches.

Greace's professional trajectory is marked by a dedication to excellence and a significant impact across various roles. While specifics of past positions are kept universal, it's clear that her expertise in managing intricate projects and fostering meaningful client relationships is exceptional. Greace prides herself on her strategic thinking and leadership capabilities, which have been instrumental in building trust and achieving goals across cultural and linguistic divides.

Beyond her professional life, Greace's interests are as diverse as her background. An avid runner, reader, and artist, she finds joy and inspiration in a range of pursuits. Her love for psychology, mathematics, and philosophy fuels an endless curiosity, while her passion for traveling and fashion reflects an appreciation for diversity and self-expression. Technology remains a constant source of fascination for Greace, driving her to continuously explore and adapt.

Greace Musa is not just a professional in their field but a testament to the impact of cultural richness and interdisciplinary expertise in creating meaningful change and fostering inclusive environments.


Coming soon .

Pasta all the way. If you are lucky enough for me to cook for you, chances are it will be an amazing pasta dish.
I have a cute little grey kitty with yellow eyes who is on my lap all day while I work.
New Girl. If you have not seen this I would describe it as a modern day version of the show Friends.
Definitely the people. I work with an incredible team of people who never fail to keep my day interesting.
A gorgeous Airbnb with a mountain view to go hiking. Phone on Do Not Disturb, and a lake to go swimming in.





International Marketing Videos, translated into 8 languages.


Broadened global reach and reinforced brand identity.